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Monday, December 26, 2011

Map Coasters

Well here's one of the gifts I finished making in time for Christmas! Coasters! It was very simple to do and it turned out great, or so my dad tells me ... haha...haha.

ANYWAY! Supplies: a map, four pieces of wood or cork (I used wood squares from Hobby Lobby), paint (if you desire), a glue, and possibly a varnish.
How to: I started with choosing my locations, it's nice if there's memories or connections to the areas you choose. Because I was making these for my father I chose places he had gone to school or lived at. From there I cut these locations on the map. Next, I had to prepare the pieces of wood. I used plain white acrylic paint on the wood, for looks and to help make it resistant to stains. While the paint on top was still wet, I placed the pieces of map on it, using the paint as the glue (I was not aware we were out of glue!)
The website where I got this idea suggested Mod Podge glue if availble. (I find no problem with paint or regular glue as long as one varnishes the completed item. After that had dried, I used a liquid thinner/varnish (I recommend Liquitex "Gloss medium & Varnish") and went over the whole work, with extra care around the edges of the map to secure it's hold. Afterwards, as a final precaution, I used a spray woodworking varnish (found at almost any hardware store). These final varnishes will help make it water resistant (hopefully decrease the coffee stains also!) and gave it a nice glossy shine.

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