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Monday, December 19, 2011

And so the shirts take off!

Once I had made my first "Christmas" shirt I decided to continue. I truly enjoyed it (and will continue to enjoy it... only about five more shirts to go!). I picked out actors, actresses and idols to feature on my shirts. Johnny Depp is going to one of my lifelong friends who is a fan of everything Tim Burton or Johnny Depp (Notice I said 'is going', I'm the teensiest behind on mailing/delivering gifts). Next came a pair of shirts honoring Audrey Hepburn.

                        Finally (for now!) come Mr. John Lennon and a simple Hermione Granger.
  I like the Audrey Hepburns and Hermione, but I'm not that fond of John Lennon, but then again I'm not a    
    Beatles groupie ;) They made excellent music, but I just prefer the Beach Boys (FOR THE WIN!)

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