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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Adorable Kids

Dear little girl,
           I was born on my birthday too, that's so weird!

                                 Sincerely, Little kids are so cute....

Saw this on www.dearblankpleaseblank.com and found it completely sweet. As well as reminding me of Christmas Eve Mass which I attended this year. It was a candle light service which I enjoyed deeply, along with the privilege of sitting behind a little girl of the most adorable and innocent nature. She squeaked with joy as we passed on our lit candles, overjoyed with the prospect of holding one herself. She wore her Sunday best outfit, a cheery dress. I had no idea where she got all her energy from! All smiles and giggles, yet extremely well behaved and fairly quiet through the service. At one point of the service the priest came and splashed the people with Holy water to remind us of our baptism. He splashed A LOT of water! It was quite funny because my dad was sitting right next to the baptismal font. Right in the face he got splashed... that woke him up! The little girl once again squeaked as the water hit her face. When my dad asked her if she got wet, she grinned and nodded vigorously. 

To all the children out there... keep being cute, innocent and full of all the creativity and wonder you currently hold... 

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