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Monday, February 6, 2012

Glass Charm Necklace

This is my most recent necklace. I think it is quite beautiful even thought it is hard to see clear on the photos. My main supplier of beads and charms come from Hobby Lobby or Michael's. The charm I was lucky enough to find on sale for about a dollar in clearance section of Hobby Lobby.

My next step was tying measuring and tying three strings to the end of a clasp. Laying taunt, the necklace is approximately 11 inches on each side of the charm. From there I beaded each string a different color, a royal blue, sea green and finally a gold. Before I tied the three strings to the other end of the clasp, I twisted the gold and blue string around the green.

My last step was attaching the charm to the necklace. I had to experiment, due to the fact I did not possess a large enough loop to fit through the whole of the charm. Therefore, I got wire, wrapped it the charm's hole and from there wrapped it around the loop. All in all, I believe it turned out quite nice!

Quick note: If anyone is considering getting jewelry pliers, I'd say great idea. I use mine extensively to wrap wire around shells and charms; and, it works wonders!

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