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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Art Within-1

This is the cover of my latest project! When I get home I will be able to show everyone more of it, but for the moment, I'll settle by just giving a little bit of a low down on my "Art Within." This project was inspired by a friend of mine who was feeling a little down, and so I felt like making a "booklet" of drawings/photos which had to do with a song lyric which in turn expressed how that person made me feel or their good qualities. It was so much fun to do! I searched through my old photos to find memorable moment, even working to make my own photo mixes as you'll see. Afterwards, I made a mixed CD of the songs I incorporated into the art work, bound the pages I had made together and put them all into a vibrant red folder, which I labeled "Art Within." Lastly, I was mildly entertained by drawing... squiggles... on the front. 

In the mean time, I am looking forward to posting more photos and example when I get a chance. There's a Valentine's Day dance tonight which I have to help with... gotta run!  

By the Way: Yes this is the larger project which I made my "I Miss You" photo for!

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