
Feel free to look around, browse, chat, and laugh :) I hope you enjoy the "snapshots" I show you and maybe pick up a few tricks. (Or teach me some!)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Adorable Neopets

I apologize for not posting anything new lately. It has been a crazy last few weeks. I have been on-call a lot at my local ambulance garage, and then track season has started. Between the practices and meets I feel swamped, yet thankfully the weather has been glorious, making it all the more worthwhile. 

Baby Chomby
To relax, I have been drawing much more than normal. It's much more calming to do simple drawings rather than large projects. However, I have a few shirt designs so there will be shirts done and posted soon! 

Back to these drawings! Ever heard of Neopets? Cute children website with games and the option of adopting pets, pets for your pets and finally pets for your pet's pet! You can buy houses, toys, food and paint your pets different "themes." Not that I ever play Neopets anymore... child's website.... ;) 

Pirate JubJub

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