
Feel free to look around, browse, chat, and laugh :) I hope you enjoy the "snapshots" I show you and maybe pick up a few tricks. (Or teach me some!)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cooking Activity: Deviled Eggs

How Disney at family.go.com says my eggs should look
Today, I am covering something new- food! For those who do not know me, I can make: peanut butter sandwiches, PB&J sandwiches, peanut butter and banana sandwich, cereal (all varieties!), popcorn, TV dinners, and finally... Shake 'N Bake.

However, I have always loved Deviled Eggs and so I decided to expand my horizon and ask my mom to show me how to make them. Her instructions were simple. 

1. Hard-boil eggs according to altitude. I live in high altitude so I boiled for about 8 minutes and then let sit another 5 in the water. I started with 5 eggs. 

2. Peel and slice the eggs in half, top to bottom, not side to side.... like I did haha

3. Remove the yoke from the eggs and mix that with two regular sized drops of mustard, a big spoon full of mayo, and sprinkle of salt and pepper. After, taste test a bit of the concoction, and add more of any ingredient as needed. 

4. Scoop mixture into the crevice of the egg halves and sprinkle with a bit of paprika. 

This was how I heard it; however, there are a lot of well written directions out there. 

Here is a link to good directions:  http://family.go.com/food/recipe-810813-deviled-eggs-t/ 

And below.... is how MY eggs turned out. Nevertheless, they tasted great!
How my eggs looked 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Adorable Neopets

I apologize for not posting anything new lately. It has been a crazy last few weeks. I have been on-call a lot at my local ambulance garage, and then track season has started. Between the practices and meets I feel swamped, yet thankfully the weather has been glorious, making it all the more worthwhile. 

Baby Chomby
To relax, I have been drawing much more than normal. It's much more calming to do simple drawings rather than large projects. However, I have a few shirt designs so there will be shirts done and posted soon! 

Back to these drawings! Ever heard of Neopets? Cute children website with games and the option of adopting pets, pets for your pets and finally pets for your pet's pet! You can buy houses, toys, food and paint your pets different "themes." Not that I ever play Neopets anymore... child's website.... ;) 

Pirate JubJub

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sick day :)

Well today was relaxing! I wasn't feeling well so sat on the couch all day watching movies. First was Red Eye, staring Cillian Murphy and Rachel McAdams. I was so impressed, words cannot even describe! I was quite hesitant to watch it, as my wonderful, glorious, beautiful friend who suggested it, told me it was a psychothriller, which I agree with now. However.... it looked like a horror to me when I looked at it! I am absolutely terrified of watching horror movies. I almost think I get more freaked out at the prospect of getting freaked out. When that scary music starts and I KNOW something is going to pop out... and then it does not.... then when I'm not expecting it, something does pop out. That whole little routine drives me up the wall. Why can't these scriptwriters make things logical and have the serial killer hide in the right places!? Ok, now that is not quite the point of horrors, being logical and all but oh well. Red Eye did not scare me at all, yet it had a great plot, Cillian Murphy was gorgeous and intimidating, and Rachel McAdams was great plus her character was a beast and she stood up for herself.

Next, I watched the Dark Knight. Fantastic movie. Humongous fan of it.

Then came LiarLiar with Jim Carrey. Hilarious.

Fourth, Peter Pan, the live action with Jeremy Sumpter and Jason Isaacs. Isaacs was amazing and a terrifying, complex character as Hook and Sumpter was delightfully childish, truly bringing to life Peter Pan.

Fifth (geez, did I REALLY just sit around all day watching movies?!), Larger Than Life with Bill Murray. Also funny, it is the story of a man, who inherits an elephant, as he travels across the US.

Then I drew a dinosaur (see top!). Hi! Say hi Billy. Billy... say hi! Awww he says he loves you! Say night Billy. Billy's gotta go to sleep now. Tomorrow's Monday... have a great week everyone!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Spiral Hemp Necklace

Spiral hemp necklaces can be very pretty and are very easy. Possibly easier than the straight. If you start by crossing the right long string over the middle, then continue starting with the right. This will cause the spirals! Try it and enjoy!

Hemp Necklaces

For a long while now, I have enjoyed making hemp necklaces.

Supplies: Hemp (most craft stores in a roll), clasp, charm or beads as one wishes.

1. Cut hemp, I average 16 inches for the necklace, by the time I tie the clasps, 14 inch. There are four strings, two should be the length of the necklace. Two should be five times the length (unless there are extensive beads). Rather than having four strings, I use double and two strings and tie them at the end. Just easier to deal with!

2. Put the two short strings in the middle with one long on each side. Cross right long over the two short.

3. Bring the left long over right long and BEHIND two middle short. Lastly, back over right long. Pull tight. Be sure to pull firm to keep the knots even.

4. Do the reverse, starting with left over middle short. Bring the right over left and behind the middles. Tighten.

5. Repeat.... endlessly! Or until necklace is done. To keep the design straight one must do one right, one, left, repeat. To add a charm, slide onto either long string and continue the knots. At the end, attach the other end of the clasp. I usually put varnish, paint, glue or something on the end knots just to assure they stay.

When completed, the necklace will be itchy during the first few wears. I will usually soak the necklace in warm water for a few hours to help ease the scratches. Questions? Feel free to ask or else Google is filled with plenty of instructions.