
Feel free to look around, browse, chat, and laugh :) I hope you enjoy the "snapshots" I show you and maybe pick up a few tricks. (Or teach me some!)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Aspen Trees

 These are some photos I took of Aspen in the State Park. 
 It was a beautiful early fall day. 
 The leaves were just starting to change and the sun was bright.
 I want to keep these moments alive in my memory forever.
 Though times can be rough, I just need to remember the beauty.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Missing You Photo

      Little something I made today for a larger project I'm doing involving photos, drawings and songs!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Still feeling unwell... but some movie suggestions!

As I have been working quite hard at resting, I have seen some pretty awesome movies. First off, I always endorse Disney Classics to help me feel better! Today was Robin Hood and Hercules, two days ago was the DreamWorks epic El Dorado. However, I also have to good selections which I would recommend to anyone.

First is, Bachelor in Paradise (1961) starring Bob Hope and Lana Turner (First thing I've seen her in since her spectacular performance in The Three Musketeers with Gene Kelley [HEARTTHROB!]). It's a family comedy about a "man of the world" living in a family community and his attempts to teach the local women "arts" to peak their husband's interests. Unfortunately, the husbands all think their wives are up to no good and having affairs. Another story in this classic is the hardcore bachelor falling in love :P (who would've thunk it? haha)

Next comes a more modern movie, done in 1999, with a classic origin, entitled Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. (no surprise Austen made an appearance again!). I feel the movie was well done and am now looking forward to reading the book! The story centers around a young woman, sent to live with her relatives and her growing feelings, and her admirers. The movie does not compare to Pride and Prejudice or Sense and Sensibility, especially in the sense of the leading lady. On the other hand, I respect Fanny for her intelligence and her sense of morals. A favorite quote of hers:

Fanny: Maria was married on Saturday. In all important preparations of mind she was complete, being prepared for matrimony by a hatred of home, by the misery of disappointed affection, and contempt of the man she was to marry. The bride was elegantly dressed and the two bridesmaids were duly inferior. Her mother stood with salts, expecting to be agitated, and her aunt tried to cry. Marriage is indeed a maneuvering business.

And another:

Henry Crawford: Fanny, you have created sensations which my heart has never known before. 
Fanny Price: Please. 
Henry: There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved. 
Fanny: Mr. Crawford, do not speak nonsense. 
Henry: Nonsense? 
Fanny: You are such a fine speaker that I'm afraid you may actually end in convincing yourself. 
Henry: Fanny. You are killing me. 
Fanny: No man dies of love but on the stage

Finally, a gem called Lilies of the Field (1963), starring Sidney Poitier. In this light comedy, a man in persuaded into helping nuns from the German/Hungary area build a chapel. 

Next on my "to see" list is Donnie Darko (2001). I saw a commercial for it on Ovation channel. Normally I'm not into horrors, but this seems more psycho thriller, plus the fact that the character sees a large bunny rabbit (mimicking the cute Jimmy Steward movie, Harvey), I'm interested. Anyone see Donnie Darko before? Is it worth it? 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Feeling Unwell

Finally the cold has caught up with me! The last few days I have not been feeling so hot, and so, I apologize for the lack of posts, I will get some more up in the next few days.

It was quite an experience today, waking up and then realizing that my voice was gravelly and almost gone. When I went to holler to my dad from the other room, my voice could hardly project- cracking like a young boy! While I was in the shower, I felt quite entertained by attempting to sing the National Anthem. Probably not the smartest idea, I could not reach "and the rockets red flare," and that succumbed to a fit of coughing. Probably the reason why I'm still going through hot tea, honey and Halls like crazy.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Possible Shirt Idea and Updates

Pop art painting I did a while ago... actually in 2010! :P However was considering putting this on a shirt, that is if I can find a pink shirt for the background because I really do not feel like painting a whole shirt pink.

I hope everyone's doing well, things have been pretty crazy here with musical contests coming up. I'm enrolled in two solos, one flute and the other piano, and then a flute quartet. Will be fun!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Painted Shells- Idea!

These are some of my favorite crafts. They're beautiful to give as gifts, and as with any craft- customizable. I paint a number of different types of shells but these mussel like shells are my favorite and they have personal meaning as well. I found them along the shore of a Minnesota lake I was staying at with my family. First step is to make sure they're clean of dirt and mud. Usually soapy water works but before I've had to soak them in vinegar to get grim off.

After that, I paint my design on the outside of the shell in acrylic paint and then varnish (generic spray varnish works great, NOTE: I've never had any issue with the paint peeling away even without varnish). I chose not to paint the inside because of the beautiful, natural sheen on the inside of the shells. However, it's your choice and depends on the shell. I find the shells very pretty and handy for gifts; they can be used for decorations or if given to a girl, to hold small jewelry. The shell's I used are perfect to hold some earrings.

My final touch on most shells is the gold paint edging. I continue this onto the inside of the shell as you can vaguely see on the right.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Kingdom Hearts Tee

Here's a new tee shirt that I made. This one turned out nifty but I'm not too sure if it's one of my favorites. I like the clean (well partially! I had trouble getting a small enough paintbrush which could apply the paint thick enough) cut lines in Sora. This tee shirt I actually used a projector on to get the details and as always used black acrylic paint, let dry, wash with cold water, let sit then hand-wash with soap after first couple wears then fine for machine wash!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

This is Disgusting - Mountain Dew

Mouse in Mountain Dew Would Turn into a "Jelly Like" Goo, Pepsi Says

"Mountain Dew drinkers know their distinctively yellow beverage of choice is packed with caffeine, but a new lawsuit might get them thinking about what else is in there.

PepsiCo, the drink's manufacturer, is being sued by Ronald Ball of Wisconsin, who claims in a 2009 lawsuit that he opened a can from a vending machine, tasted something foul, and spat out a dead mouse, acccording to MadisonRecord.com.

Ball, who is seeking damages in excess of $50,000, claims he then sent the mouse to Pepsi, which destroyed the mouse's body.

However, Pepsi is now moving to dismiss the case, citing testimony from an expert who claims that acid used when the drink is bottled would have caused the rodent to transform into a "'jelly-like' substance," according to LegalNewsline.com.

Mountain Dew's mouse-dissolving capabilities may also be helped by another ingredient in the bubbly beverage: brominated vegetable oil (BVO), a chemical that Gizmodo points out is banned in Europe and Japan, but is allowed in limited quantities in sodas like Mountain Dew, Squirt and Fanta Orange.

BVO is added to soda for the purpose of giving it more consistent flavoring. "

Source: Huff Post, Weird News: The Internet Newspaper: News Blogs Video Community, January 4, 2012

Gross, huh? This makes me happy that I'm a dead set Root Beer lover; however, remembering those few times I drank Mountain Dew... GAG! So I decided to do some more research on Mountain Dew.

Here's another link from ABC News, entitled "Mice No Match for Mountain Dew."

I feel this article is better written and possibly more believeable because it's from ABC's website... Then again quoted from Howl's Moving Castle, "Only fools believe what's written in the papers."

Eitherway... no more Mountain Dew from me!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back To School

Well here I am, back in school for the new year and new semester. A lot of things are happening right now, our school OneActs are going on right now, music contest coming up and the possibility of All State Auditions.

As for my reading list, I have moved to a more... cultural piece by Lisa See entitled Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. So far I am intreged. The story centers around a young Chinese girl named Lily and her family relations, friends and marriage. I am only a third through the book and my eyes have opened wide open to life in ninthteenth century China. Women are considered worthless except in marriage, and small feet, "golden lilies," are the center to their marriagability. I am appalled by the binding of one girl's feet to make them small. The bones are required to break and reset in a smaller, more "perfect" form. When explaining this process two things stuck out vividly in my mind. The fact that the ideal size of the woman's foot was to be 7 cm, roughly the size of a thumb. How is that possible? The second being that the flesh rotten and died during this process. I will do more research...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Almost there

679 pages out of 704 read in The Fountainhead! I am very excited!

Isn't this a glorious statement?

"Throughout the centuries there were men who took first steps down new roads armed with nothing but their own vision. Their goals differed, but they all had this in common: that the step was first, the road new, the vision unborrowed, and the response they received- hatred. The great creators- the thinkers, the artists, the scientists, the investors- stood alone against the men of their time. Every great new thought was opposed. Every great new invention was denounced. The first motor was considered foolish. The airplane was considered impossible. The power loom was considered vicious. Anesthesia was considered sinful. But the men of unborrowed vision went ahead. They fought, they suffered and they paid. But they won." -Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead.

One could argue, that in posting this, I am being a "second-hander." I do not mind, because it is so beautifully written, I could not resist.

Here I am wishing everyone to be bold and adventurous in their new year, but also all the happiness in the world.  Happy New Year, world. I am ready.