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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back To School

Well here I am, back in school for the new year and new semester. A lot of things are happening right now, our school OneActs are going on right now, music contest coming up and the possibility of All State Auditions.

As for my reading list, I have moved to a more... cultural piece by Lisa See entitled Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. So far I am intreged. The story centers around a young Chinese girl named Lily and her family relations, friends and marriage. I am only a third through the book and my eyes have opened wide open to life in ninthteenth century China. Women are considered worthless except in marriage, and small feet, "golden lilies," are the center to their marriagability. I am appalled by the binding of one girl's feet to make them small. The bones are required to break and reset in a smaller, more "perfect" form. When explaining this process two things stuck out vividly in my mind. The fact that the ideal size of the woman's foot was to be 7 cm, roughly the size of a thumb. How is that possible? The second being that the flesh rotten and died during this process. I will do more research...

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