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Sunday, July 15, 2012

'Cuz I'm Batman!

The latest shirt I've made for the upcoming Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises. I am super excited for it and am planning on attending the midnight showing with friends :) I think this one turned out better than many of my others.

As always, I used acrylic paint for a couple coats. It will fade with washing, especially if you put it in a machine washer, which you can do, just wait two days, and wash in cold water first. Either way, I prefer to hand wash in cold water.

My last step was cutting the neck to make it wider, though it does not show it in this picture. I went two inches out past the neckline on both sides and cut to the bottom of the V-neckline. I just don't like V-necks and it made this shirt fit more comfortably for me personally.

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