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Friday, January 18, 2013

Soul Bag aka FUN BAG!

Since I came to college, I've had to do more shopping on my own and in an effort to be more conscious of my environmental impact, I bought a reusable bag. From there I decided to spice it up a bit.

To do this, I got foam brushes and some generic (on a students budget!!! XD) acrylic paint (Which it so happens is washable but not recommend for human skin... however, since when did I pay attention to the rules?) 

Then I made funky designs on my hands and feet... and well you can guess the rest ;) 

It was a crazy and fun project (particularly, when my roommate walked in to me covered in paint!). I also added little fingerprint dots everywhere. 

As a conclusion I added "Soul" to it. Overall, it was a fun and easy project. I also was finding random bits of paint on me for days afterwards! Note: spread lots and lots and loooooots of newspaper on the floor. A couple of times I almost walked on the regular floor due to momentarily forgetting the paint on my feet. 

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