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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Belated Mother's Day!

Here is a "card" which I made my mom for Mother's Day. It was not belated :D just posting this was! It was a fun project to work on AND I didn't cut myself with the knife I used..... :)

 First step was finding twigs then using a knife I shaved the bark off. This can GREATLY simplified if one obtains those cute Popsicle sticks. My mom ironically threw away the ones I was saving, mistaking them for garbage! Once that was done, I cut flower shapes out of a spare foam paper. Then I duct-taped the wood to the foam flowers :D

From there, I made the "card" part of it by folding a green cardboard paper into a square. It helps if the paper is doubled up for support.  After, I tried a few things to connect the flowers to the paper. I first tried duct-taping cardboard diagonally inside the "card." That did not work....

             finally I just duct-taped the flowers to the
                     inside of the card :P

                      Problem solved haha.

I concluded by writing "Happy Mother's Day to a Fantastic Mom!" On the sides I wrote other descriptive words such as "kind" "wise" "great" "wonderful" "awesome" "ravishing" "beautiful" "sweet" etc.

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