
Feel free to look around, browse, chat, and laugh :) I hope you enjoy the "snapshots" I show you and maybe pick up a few tricks. (Or teach me some!)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Heart from Flour and Salt Dough

I made this for a friend of mine.... it was a disaster! I started out with a simple recipe for Salt Dough, intending to make little pendents. However, I had trouble getting the salt dough to make a perfect small shape so I improvised and formed it into a heart :) <3
The recipe is as follows: 2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, cold water.Mix until has consistency of play dough;bake at 250 for 2 hours. After cool, paint. I used simple acrylic paint and sharpies.

All in all, I'd recommend for larger things, such as this heart but don't go in with expectations too high. I tried a couple variations and couldn't get the consistency right and so the dough was either too wet or else flaked off while trying to mold. Also, the smaller things (beads) I made ended up full of cracks within about a half hour of being in the oven. However, it would be a fun project to do with young kids if you don't mind getting a bit dirty! Good luck! :)

Also, I apologize for the lack of posts. College is pretty hectic, but with summer coming up, there should be more! :)